The primordial task of the board of directors and executive committee is to ensure a company's long-term survival. Top management must map out the company's future and see to it that daily decisions and actions steer it in the right direction. For that to happen, corporate governance must be conceived in terms of responsibility. In the article "Responsabilidad corporativa y gobierno de la empresa" ("Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Governance"), IESE Professors Jordi Canals and Joan Fontrodona contend that "good corporate governance consists mainly of ensuring that the company fulfills its responsibilities."
The authors see the company as a group of people who, working in an environment that allows them to develop as professionals and as humans, contribute to the development of society as a whole by efficiently producing and marketing goods and services that are genuinely useful to people - and create added value. Based on this definition, they determine what the company is for and what its responsibilities are.
First of all, a company is united if it is built on a common goal and undertaking that is defined broadly enough for the company's members to feel committed to it.
See full Article.