If the boss allows an employee to leave early to take his children trick-or-treating (or to the doctor, or so the employee can watch a school play, etc.) is the boss being fair to everyone else who still has to work a full day?
Is it fair to offer a working mother a flexible schedule but not provide the same option to a woman without children?
A growing number of childless workers are answering “no” to questions like these, prompting HR magazine to ask employers in a cover story “Are You Too Family Friendly?”
It’s an issue because of the changing nature of the population in the United States.
“Slightly more than one in four households, 26 percent, consisted of a person living alone in 2006, up from 17 percent in 1970,” Susan J. Wells writes. “Unmarried and single U.S. residents numbered 92 million in 2006, making up 42 percent of all people 18 and older.” That’s up from 89 million in 2005.
See full Article.