Thursday, October 18, 2007

World Bank Neglects African Farming, Study Says

The World Bank, financed by rich nations to reduce poverty in poor ones, has long neglected agriculture in impoverished sub-Saharan Africa, where most people depend on the farm economy for their livelihoods, according to a new internal evaluation.

The evaluation was posted late last week on the bank’s Web site at a delicate moment.

The bank president, Robert B. Zoellick, after 100 days in office, declared in a recent speech that a Green Revolution for Africa was among his top priorities. On Friday, as ministers from around the world gather for the bank’s annual meeting in Washington, it will release its flagship World Development Report, this year devoted to agriculture.

The evaluation of the bank’s role in African agriculture was conducted by an internal unit that assesses all of its operations and answers to the bank’s board and president, not its management.

See full Article.