Political and opinion leaders from around the globe will meet in Lisbon, Portugal from 31 October to 2 November 2007 to discuss the role of decent work as the key to economic, social and environmental sustainability and a fair and inclusive globalization.
Political and opinion leaders from around the globe will meet in Lisbon, Portugal from 31 October to 2 November 2007 to discuss the role of decent work as the key to economic, social and environmental sustainability and a fair and inclusive globalization. Among the topics to be addressed at the Forum are the challenges of skills development, the upgrading of informal economies, migration for work, extending social protection, overcoming disadvantage and discrimination, and ways to improve policy coherence among international organizations. Here are a series of questions and answers about the Forum and the issues to be discussed there.
What is the ILO Forum on Decent Work for a Fair Globalization about and why is it important?
This will be one of the most substantive and wide-ranging discussions on fair and inclusive globalization and decent work among representatives of governments, labour and employers as well as leaders from parliaments, academia and civil society since the report of the World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization in 2004.
See full Press Release.