Thursday, November 29, 2007

Trade unions and globalization: trends, challenges and responses

Globalization has proved a complex and multi-faceted process for workers around the world, as are the strategies they must develop to face its challenges. A new ILO book examines some of the crucial issues facing the trade union movement...

Globalization has proved a complex and multi-faceted process for workers around the world, as are the strategies they must develop to face its challenges. A new ILO book (Note 1) examines some of the crucial issues facing the trade union movement and how new policies are being shaped to improve alliance-building, international collaboration and the promotion of the adoption of international labour standards during this period of face-paced change. ILO Online spoke with the editor of the book, Verena Schmidt, of the ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities and coordinator of the Global Union Research Network.

ILO Online: In the book, “enlargement” of the overall trade union agenda is highlighted as one of the key responses to globalization. How have trade unions gone about this process?

Verena Schmidt: Increasingly trade unions are enlarging their agendas to include issues such as engaging with international organizations in order to influence their policies and organizing global campaigns and extending and deepening their cooperation at the transnational level.

See full Press Release.