Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bosses put on notice: shape up or lose valued staff

It's time for companies to get more creative in attracting and keeping staff, recruitment agencies say, with a number of surveys revealing almost half of all employees are planning to look for a new job in the New Year.

With generation X and Y rejecting the old "job for life" concept and unemployment hovering near a 30-odd year low of 4.3%, the agencies say staff have never been in a stronger position to pick and choose.

"The current tight labour market is changing the dynamic between employer and employee - it is now often up to the employer to show why someone should want to work at their company, not the other way around," said Colin Melbourne, managing director of human resources consulting firm Astor Levin. "Even if a company is able to attract the right people to work for it, retaining those people will be a constant challenge. It's rarely just about the money."

It found that four in 10 people were hoping to change jobs in the next six months. Disturbingly for employers, one in four employees who said they were "satisfied" with their current boss were still planning to leave. Another survey, from recruiting firm final5, put the figure for new year job-swappers at 48.5%.

See full Article.