Monday, December 03, 2007

Companies quizzed on carbon policy

Investors want greater disclosure of green policies - so how much CO2 does it take to make a packet of crisps?

It will probably come as a surprise that BT is responsible for 0.7% of the UK’s entire electricity consumption. But it may come as an even greater surprise that 99% of its demand is sourced from renewable and combined heat and power sources (a very efficient form of energy).

But these are just two of the nuggets of information revealed in the company’s response to an international investor-driven corporate communication campaign, now in its fifth year, called the Carbon Disclosure Project.

Headquartered in London, the CDP sent out a questionnaire to 2,400 of the world’s largest quoted companies in 2007 and asked them about risks and opportunities related to climate change, emissions and past and current actions to reduce them.

See full Article.