Thursday, December 06, 2007

Five Management Traps

Is your organization really equipped to deal with knowledge workers? Make sure you're not hung up on outmoded concepts that don't serve today's workforce

Remember the phrase "Atomic Age?" Sounded so modern and zippy at the time—and sounds so hopelessly retro now. With the workplace becoming more global and more virtual by the femtosecond, atoms are out and electrons are in. As every working person knows, we can create more value electronically in a few minutes now than our grandparents' generation of workers could do in a week. But organizations haven't caught up to the knowledge-worker reality. Way too many employers still manage their troops as though it's 1945. Is your organization clinging to any of these leftover Atomic Age leadership mechanisms? Ditch them now. They're slowing you down, and you won't get access to your most talented team members' gray matter by managing them like old-fashioned worker bees.
Atomic Age Vacation Rules

It made perfect sense in 1950, when my dad was hired straight out of Georgetown, to give each newbie two weeks of vacation and let him work his way up to three and four weeks' vacation. But today, when the War for Talent is in full swing, how can a hiring manager offer a talented midcareer pro two weeks of vacation with a straight face? We should key vacation allotments to years in the workforce, not to years spent within our walls.

See full Article.