Sunday, January 27, 2008

Accountants face up to the moral maze

David Molyneaux was leading an ethics course for senior Vietnamese accountants and regulators in Hanoi in August when one participant asked him a tricky question. The delegate had earlier been given a pirated copy of the latest Harry Potter novel and wanted to know whether it was morally acceptable for him to read it.

Mr Molyneaux, a practising Church of Scotland minister and a former partner at Coopers & Lybrand, thought he had resolved the dilemma when he offered him his own copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

However, the accountant still wanted to know what to do with the illegal copy. Should he destroy it, sell it or give it someone else?

Mr Molyneaux’s response was: “I leave that to your conscience.”

See full Article (paid subscription required).