For the second time, European social partners ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, UEAPME and CEEP adopted a progress report, showing initiatives in the implementation of their joint strategy in the field of gender equality. This report describes how the four priorities identified in the “framework of actions on gender equality” adopted in March 2005 have been followed up in the social partners’ activities, jointly or separately, at European, national, cross-industry, sectoral and company levels. These four priorities are: addressing gender roles, promoting women in decision-making, supporting work-life balance and tackling the gender pay gap.
This new report is a further step to make the numerous initiatives of social partners on gender equality more visible and to encourage the exchange of good practices across Europe. It follows on and complements a first report issued in January 2007 evaluating the first year of implementation of the Framework of Actions, which was presented at the occasion of the launch of the European Year for Equal Opportunities 2007.
This year again many actions have been taken by social partners such as:
* addressing gender equality in collective agreements,
* discussions with public authorities on facilities for work life balance,
* the design of new gender equality policies,
* or the development of projects tackling gender gaps.
See full Press Release.