Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Of rules and responsibilities

The Cape has become a regular meeting place for global economic forums of one sort or another. Just a couple of months ago, SA hosted the annual meeting of the Group of 20 in Kleinmond. Now it’s hosting the tax chiefs of the world’s leading economies as the fourth meeting of the Forum of Tax Administrators (FTA) opens in Cape Town.

No doubt the summer weather and the scenery are draw cards, but SA tends to punch above its weight in many global forums, and the tax forum, which was set up by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is an example of this. Though the OECD is looking to strengthen its ties with emerging markets such as China, India, Brazil and SA, it is still primarily a club of rich countries. While SA is only an observer at the “club” and its committee on fiscal affairs, it is a full member of the FTA and is the only developing country sitting on the board of the forum.

See full Article.