Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Survey Sets Benchmarks for Tracking Book Industry Sustainability
A large chunk of the book industry is embracing green publishing, and sustainability is steadily spreading through the book world, says a new report.
"Environmental Trends and Climate Impacts," co-commissioned by the Green Press Initiative and the Book Industry Study Group, says that more than half of the publishers surveyed plan to increase the amount of recycled paper they use and about 60 percent have or are working on an environmental policy.
The report is based on a survey of 76 publishers, who represent about half the U.S. book market, and a number of mills, printers, retailers, distributors and wholesalers, according to the Associated Press.
Of the publishers that don't have environmental policies, the survey found, some don't take environmental issues seriously enough, and others do not want to foot the added costs of switching paper types or moving to renewable energy.
See full Article.