Monday, April 14, 2008

Is Europe prepared for action on climate change by the next US President?

Stephen Boucher, Co-secretary general, Notre Europe


To complement your LinksDossier on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, I would like to draw your attention to the prospects offered by the election of a new US President in November and the advent of a new US administration as of January 20, 2009.

As you will not have failed to notice, the Republican candidate, John McCain, as well as both the Democratic hopefuls, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, have made very clear statements about the need to tackle climate change head on.

In a recent policy paperexternal entitled "Clinton, McCain, Obama – Europe's Best Hope for Climate Change?," I in fact argue that Europe has a unique chance with the three candidates to take international climate negotiations forward. All three have committed to bold emissions reductions targets, to full auctioning of permits, and to broad coverage of a prospective emissions scheme, both in terms of industries and gases.

See full Letter.