Friday, April 18, 2008

McCain: Curb Emissions? Later, Sure, But Not While I'm Running

Sen. John McCain has caught St. Augustine’s bug: Give me higher energy taxes to dissuade consumption, but not this summer—not while I’m running for president.

The Republican senator, who’s spent years fine-tuning big climate-change legislation that would curb greenhouse-gas emissions over the next fifty years, doesn’t want to start curbing just yet. Associated Press reports:

To help people weather the downturn immediately, Sen. McCain urged Congress to institute a “gas-tax holiday” by suspending the 18.4 cent federal gas tax and 24.4 cent diesel tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day. He also renewed his call for the U.S. to stop adding to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and thus lessen to some extent the world-wide demand for oil. Combined, he said, the two proposals would reduce gas prices, which would have a trickle-down effect, and “help to spread relief across the American economy.”

See full Article.