Sunday, April 06, 2008

Worst practices: Recognizing the biggest compliance mistakes

As the season of entertainment awards comes to a close, I want to weigh in and do my first annual "Steaming Brown Bag Awards" or STiBBAs for short, which recognize the biggest compliance blunders of the past year (or so), and the award is – of course – a steaming brown bag.

And without further ado: The Rip Van Winkle STiBBA goes to TJX. Considering TJX was unaware its systems had been compromised for years, maybe the retailer should be a perpetual STiBBA award winner.

Using WEP to protect stored wireless networks, not monitoring database and log information and having a porous point-of-sale application certainly qualify as compliance worst practices. So TJX takes the cake, and it's hard to see how it will ever be topped in the data breach sweepstakes. But that's the optimist in me talking.

See full Article.