Sunday, September 21, 2008

Doing well by doing good? It's not easy

A business class in California helps a US entrepreneur bring peanut paste to Haiti's hungry kids.

Every entrepreneur here in Silicon Valley has an elevator pitch, a 90-second spiel to lure a potential investor or customer. But few have one like Thomas Stehl's.

He talks about 17-month-old Rosalor, a child in Haiti who arrived at a hospital weighing just 11.9 pounds. She was fed Medika Mamba, a nutrient-packed peanut butter paste made by Mr. Stehl's organization, and in just over a month she gained five pounds and new vitality.

"Rosalor now has a second chance," says Stehl. "There's 120,000 kids just like Rosalor in Haiti. Imagine what's going to happen to the country if they don't [get this] treatment."

See full Article.