SEVERAL years ago, Joyce DeLucca became pregnant at the same time she was building her new company, Kingsland Capital Management, an investment boutique in Manhattan. Her employees wondered: Was she going to take a maternity leave during this crucial period?
She did not. Instead, Ms. DeLucca decided to bring her newborn to the office with her. She set up an enclosed playroom adjacent to her office, where Layla, now 3 1/2, could play, along with a baby sitter.
Layla is still coming to the office. “If I have a break I can stand up and walk into her room,” said Ms. DeLucca, who is 42 and works 12-hour days. “She knows her way around the office, and sometimes she’ll visit me on the trading desk. But it’s not like she comes with me to meetings. If I put my finger to my lips, she knows to be quiet.” Layla’s sister Ariana, who is 7 months old, now comes to the office, too.
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