of the Third Edition of the World Water Development Report: ‘Water in a Changing World’
WWAP is pleased to announce that the third edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR-3) and its accompanying case study volume was launched at the 5th World Water Forum in Istanbul, Turkey on March 16, 2009, by UNESCO's Director General, Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura. The development of the WWDR-3, coordinated by the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP), was a joint effort of the 26 UN agencies and entities which make up UN-Water, working in partnership with governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders. For more information about the official launch of the Report and for related events at the Fifth World Water forum, please see WWAP’s 5th World Water Forum Page.
One of the overarching objectives of WWAP is to assist countries in enhancing their national capacity for water resources assessment by building on existing strengths and experiences. This mission has always constituted an integral part of the World Water Development Reports, which have included the findings of the case study development projects initiated in different geographic regions of the world. The case studies provide an in-depth analysis of the state of freshwater resources and related challenges that directly affect the livelihoods of people in the societies. Over the life of the programme to date, more than 64 countries have been covered at basin or national level. The increasing number of case studies necessitated the presentation of their findings separately.
See full Press Release.