Sunday, April 26, 2009

Invasion of the Charitable Kind

The notion of applying commercial concepts towards charitable goals is old news. Many of today’s large non-profit organisations already display remarkable corporate savvy, apparent in their annual reports, corporate communications and operations management. These organisations, well-oiled and rich as they may seem, are often backed by one or several wealthy philanthropists; a luxury so defining to non-profit organisations but yet largely unavailable to small and medium start-ups.

Questions on funding are almost customary with social entrepreneurs, many of whom are challenged with maintaining sustained support, monetary or otherwise. One-off donations are common but are they an ideal source of principle funding? -- A question posed at “Social Conversation for Venture Philanthropy”, a seminar organised by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation at Singapore Management University (SMU).

Venture philanthropy is a concept derived from venture capital, where investments are put into start-ups that show strong potential for growth. Venture capitalists not only provide capital but also intellectual, managerial and technical expertise.

See full Article.