Thursday, April 01, 2010

How Women Can Reduce Their Wage Gap

A new study suggests ways they can improve their chances for better pay.

The wage gap between women and men has been a persistent fact of life in the U.S. Lawsuits brought by women against companies such as Boeing, Wal-Mart, Costco and Home Depot would seem to suggest that it is systemic and that there is little women can do individually to reduce it. However, we conducted a recent study that found some ways women might be able to increase their pay by better managing their relationships with their bosses, peers and subordinates.

We surveyed 315 white-collar professionals recently enrolled in the M.B.A. program here at the Villanova School of Business and another school. We gathered information about their pay histories and job relationships and did a carefully tailored analysis to look for correlations between change in pay and types of network relationships.

See full Article.