Results of the piloting of OPHI’s Missing Dimensions modules were presented at the 8th Poverty and Economic Policy Research Network (PEP Network) General Meeting in Dakar, Senegal in June. The pilots have yielded data on quality of work, empowerment, physical safety, the ability to go about without shame and psychological wellbeing, which can be used to create richer analyses of poverty. John Ataguba from the PEP Network presented a multidimensional poverty analysis based on these data, recently collected in Nigeria. Nilakshi da Silva presented an analysis of multidimensional poverty data from Badulla, Sri Lanka, and discussed its implications for improving the targeting and implementation of the National Social Protection Programme, Samurdhi. Celia Reyes from the Community-Based Monitoring System presented Missing Dimensions of Poverty: Implications for Local Poverty Measurement and Monitoring in the Philippines.
See full Press Release.