Saturday, November 27, 2010

Are quotas needed to get more women in senior management roles?

I've been doing some work in relation to the consultation that the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills is currently running, Women on Boards - and want to know what you think about Government action to increase the proportion of women holding directorships of British companies.

The Government has made clear that it wants to achieve "swift change" in this area. It points out that women now form 51% of the UK population and 46% of the economically active workforce; they are responsible for the bulk of consumer buying decisions and consistently outperform their male counterparts educationally. Yet as Cranfield University has shown, women make up only 12.2% of the directors of FTSE 100 companies (2009), and just 7.3% of directors among FTSE 250 companies - where half have no women in the boardroom at all.

See full Press Release.