Tuesday, December 14, 2010

World Cup awards to Russia, Qatar contradict any sense of CSR

If you happen to follow football (soccer) then today marks a special day on the calendar as the host nations for the World Cup in 2018 and 2022 were both announced. I’ve written before about how CSR is now naturally part of the bid process for large sporting events such as the Olympics, World Cups and the Commonwealth Games. With that in mind (and taking emotion out of it as I wanted England to host the 2018 event) I am completely amazed at the selections that FIFA announced today – Russia will host in 2018 and Qatar in 2022.

Already the Internet and news sources are ablaze with talk of corruption and bribery impacting the decisions of FIFA (the world governing body for the sport) and indeed it does look like an extreme example of money talking but from a green or CSR perspective both winners don’t fit the bill in terms of what a green profile would represent.

See full Article.