The Bertelsmann Stiftung presents the first results for ELLI, the European Lifelong Learning Index - Germany places in the middle of the EU rankings - Weaknesses in formal education
When it comes to lifelong learning, the Danes take top honors in Europe, while Germany stands midway down the list of 27 EU nations, mainly because of weaknesses in formal education. Those are the findings of the Bertelsmann Stiftung's new European Lifelong Learning Index (ELLI). Developed by an international team of experts over the past two years following a Canadian model, ELLI makes it possible to compare data on lifelong learning in Europe for the first time.
According to the ELLI results, the Netherlands, Sweden and Finland join Denmark at the front of the pack. In addition to top scores for lifelong learning, these countries have the highest life satisfaction, greatest competitive capacity and least corruption. The lower end of the scale was largely occupied by European countries such as Romania, Bulgaria and Greece. Germany holds tenth place, with an Index score just barely above the European average.
See full Press Release.