Saturday, January 29, 2011
FACT SHEET: The World Bank, Transparency and Anti-Corruption
Issue: Stepping up the game in anti-corruption.
Fact: The World Bank has been leading anti-corruption efforts for over a decade and has closed down projects and whole country programs where there is evidence of corruption.
Governance and anti-corruption are central to the World Bank’s overall mission – in country programs, sector engagements, and project design and implementation – and the Bank has multiple systems in place to ensure that money is used for its intended purposes.
We focus on these issues at the country, operational, and global levels.
The Bank’s Controller's Vice Presidency provides strict financial reporting and analysis.
Country teams undertake regular and rigorous supervision of Bank-financed projects.
The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) reviews the Bank’s work and reports its findings directly to the Board, followed by public disclosure.
The Bank’s Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) has a highly specialized team of investigators and trained forensic accountants who investigate fraud and corruption allegations, prevent recurrence, and support the capacity of national authorities.
See full Fact Sheet.