Friday, February 17, 2012

New board level guide to sustainability

Questions for directors to ask

  • What are the organization's policies regarding setting goals and measuring performance in economic, environmental and social areas (i.e. internal reporting) and disclosing those activities to investors and other stakeholders (i.e. external reporting)?
  • Does management voluntarily disclosure sustainability and social responsibility related strategies, performance and risks beyond the general requirements set forth by regulators (e.g. Management's Discussion & Analysis guidance)? Is the board required to review and approve all sustainability disclosures before they are released?
  • What information, if any, does management provide on sustainability issues to regulators, customers, suppliers, non-governmental organizations or other stakeholders?
  • Does the organization disclose the metrics used to measure performance towards achieving its sustainability objectives? Is there a third party verification process for sustainability reports?
  • How does the board satisfy itself regarding the accuracy of the sustainability information that is publicly disclosed?
See full Press Release.