Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Renewable Energy Revolution – Lessons Applied in the Middle East and Africa Official Side Event at COP18

Renewable Energy feed-in tariff policies (REFIT) delivered the basis for an ambitious energy transition in many countries such as Germany with phasing out nuclear energy and replacing fossil fuels step by step. It hereby provides a blueprint for countries worldwide. How can REFITs work in Africa and the Middle East, tackling poverty through electricity access and leapfrogging dirty technologies?

Germany has undoubtedly raised the bar in terms of strategizing energy sourcing, and setting the pace for renewable energy policies. Its energy transition underway aims to cut the dependence on fossil fuel imports, to fight climate change, and to build up a green industrial sector that sets standards for future markets and provides well-paying jobs for thousands of people. This side event looks at the lessons learnt for other regions in the world. What does this mean for the Middle East and the African continent with its great potential for renewable energies? Further, a new study of the World Future Council and the Ethiopia office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation show that REFITs can also work in African countries, helping the continent tackle poverty through electricity access and leapfrog dirty development towards a clean energy future. Through considering alternative models of design, local ownership and governance, finance and operation, REFITs in Africa can transform the energy system while empowering local communities and refreshing local democracy and self-governance.

See full Report: