Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Planting the seeds of a bio economy

In a bio-based economy, the agricultural and biotech sectors together will be able to provide the world with food and fuel, with both product streams enhancing each other instead of competing.

World leaders are currently meeting at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos to discuss “Resilient Dynamism”. Both resilience and dynamism will be needed indeed if we are to build a new economy that provides the right solutions and technologies to ensure decent living standards for all, while simultaneously improving our environmental footprint.

The world is facing major challenges. Currently, roughly a third of the world population is suffering from malnourishment. By 2050, the world population will have grown to 9 billion people, all of whom will need to be fed sustainably. We will need to improve agriculture, reduce waste and use our crops effectively.

See full Press Release: