Thursday, February 07, 2013

California’s first greenhouse gas emissions auction sells near minimum price

At the first California Air Resources Board (CARB) auction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions permits for its cap-and-trade program in mid-November, prices for year-2013 emissions permits were at or near the $10 per metric ton minimum price. At a $10 permit price, the roughly 150 million metric tons of emissions covered by the program in 2013 have an implicit gross valuation of about $1.5 billion. However, since a significant share of 2013 permits are being distributed to distribution utilities and emitters without charge, impacts on the cost of energy to California consumers will be only a small fraction of the gross permit valuation. By way of comparison, California consumers across all sectors spent roughly $117 billion on energy in 2010, the latest year for which complete data are available, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data.

See full Press Release: