Friday, July 05, 2013

Obama’s green agenda and U.S. oil and gas boom pose hurdles for Canadian energy exports

Key energy and environmental policymakers in U.S. President Barack Obama’s second-term cabinet are likely to pursue an agenda that hinders Canada’s plans to greatly increase energy production and exports, argues a new study from the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.

"Obama's new 'Green Team' is expected to maintain the policy playbook from the President's first term: pushing for more aggressive environmental regulations, faster expansion of the renewable energy sector, and heavier regulations on natural gas production via fracking," said Kenneth P. Green, Fraser Institute senior director of natural resources and co-author of Obama's Green Team 2.0: Implications for Canadian Energy and Environmental Policy.

“Because the U.S. consumes virtually all of Canada’s energy exports, such policies are a blow to Canada’s energy export ambitions, including the Keystone XL pipeline.”

See full Article: