Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Economic Power of Women’s Empowerment

Keynote Speech By Christine Lagarde
Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Tokyo, September 12, 2014

Good afternoon to all of you—mina-san, konnichiwa. Let me begin by thanking Prime Minister Abe for inviting me to this important conference, and for his inspiring words of introduction. Let me also thank our generous hosts today—the government of Japan, Keidanren, Nikkei, and the Japan Institute for International Affairs.
The great Japanese writer and feminist, Raicho Hiratsuka, once famously wrote: “In the beginning, woman was truly the sun. An authentic person”.
Today more than ever, the global economy needs precisely this kind of radiant sun—to provide light and nourishment. To provide healing. To dry out the swamps of poverty and unrest.

See full Transcript: