Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Need of good governance all the time

If only the regular reports issued by the Auditor General were to receive just a tiny fraction of the public attention paid over the past few days to his report on the Voice of the Mediterranean and to the subsequent "debate" in Parliament's Public Accounts Committee the litany of shortcomings found in the public service generally from year to year might not have been as long as it is today. This glaring fact, which seems to have totally escaped the politicians, says a lot about the way we still do things in Malta.

If accountability and good governance are what the politicians expected - and rightly so - of those who ran the Voice of the Mediterranean, should not this apply with equal force to the administration of the country? Yet, for as long as the Auditor has been publishing his reports, the political parties do not seem to have lost much sleep over his annual verdicts. On the contrary, many in the administration act as if they do not care two hoots about what he says and, even more so, about his recommendations. Which explains why so many shortcomings have become ingrained in the administration.

See full Article.