Thursday, August 17, 2006

Strengthening Bank Group Work in Governance and Anticorruption

In a major speech in Jakarta, Indonesia, on April 11, 2006, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz stressed that promoting good governance and fighting corruption is critical to helping countries achieve economic progress, to promoting sustainable development, and to ensuring that governments are accountable to their citizens. In the speech, he announced his plan to enhance the Bank's work on governance and anticorruption on several fronts.

During the 2006 World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings in Washington, the Development Committee asked Bank Group management to prepare a paper laying out this enhanced strategy for discussion by the Committee at the 2006 Annual Meetings in Singapore (see April 2006 Communique). Bank staff have prepared an outline for the paper (220k pdf), which lays out the main issues and actions to be addressed.

See full Press Release.