Friday, September 08, 2006

C-suite execs bask in sellers' market

Rising demand for senior executives is giving top candidates opportunities to write their own tickets to the C-suite and leading many to decline attractive opportunities that may have been more appealing in leaner times.

According to Rick Slayton of Chicago-based Slayton Search Partners, all the signs are that we are witnessing a return to a sellers' market in the executive search game.

"The supply and demand dynamics have given high performing executives more career options than they've had in years, and from that perspective, it's beginning to smack of 1999 all over again," Slayton claims.

"The A Players are much more selective about pursuing transition options, but they're also pouncing on the opportunity to get what they want."

Slayton also points to a spate of recent studies that document an increase in executive job transitions and a move by employers to change their pay practices to match a tightening and more competitive job market.

See full Article.