Friday, August 21, 2009

Deloitte Chairman Sharon Allen on Ethics, Decision Making and Career-Life Balance

Deloitte LLP Chairman Sharon Allen has garnered many “firsts” in her life. She was the first woman elected to serve on the $11 billion company’s U.S. board of directors and the first woman to chair its U.S. board. She is also the first woman to head one of the “Big Four” professional services firms. As chairman, Allen is responsible for corporate governance and oversees the organization’s relationships with multinational clients. A lifelong Deloitte employee, Allen recently spoke to students and alumni at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School as part of the Dean’s Leadership Speaker Series and discussed three issues listeners could control regardless of the economic environment: decision-making, business ethics and career-life balance. She followed up those remarks with an in-depth interview on these topics and on the best advice she's ever received.

Knowledge@Emory: You mentioned that people often think of business ethics as separate from personal ethics. Why is that?

See full Interview.