Friday, August 21, 2009

Green Innovation for Business Unconference

How can companies do good business with a reduced environmental impact? That was the focus of a very well organized conversation in a large unconference held recently in Boston.

If you’re not yet familiar with the term “unconference,” it’s a decidedly 2.0 concept: a participant-driven gathering centered on a particular theme. In this case the theme was environmental innovation, and the event brought together more than 100 representatives from business, government, academia, NGOs, investors and media to learn from each other and create networks around environmental challenges.

Organized by the Environmental Defense Fund and Ashoka and hosted by Microsoft, the main purpose of the event was to discuss how the climate has shifted and where the most interesting innovations for greening of business are happening.

Participants proposed and facilitated more than 25 sessions that included topics such as green chemistry, inspiring employees, greenwashing, green value chains, short-term incentives for the long-term, and the dark side of innovation. (Click here for more information and summary notes for each session.

See full Article.