Sunday, January 30, 2005
Corporate Governance Forum on March 23, 2005, in Glasgow
Corporate Governance Forum to be held on March 23, 2005, in Glasgow organised by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
Setting the right priorities during a time of further change.
A key event examining the complex set of relationships between the company and its board of directors, management, shareholders, and other stakeholders. Corporate governance continues to generate discussion and controversy; it is important that you are up-to-date with current thinking in this critical area. Best practice continues to change, adding to the compliance challenges of the Higgs and Smith requirements of the Combined Code. Further issues are concerning boards too, such as the significant shortfalls in pension fund asset coverage facing boards and pension fund trustees.
These issues are surfacing at a time when the major audit firms have questioned their ability to survive in an environment where their liability remains unlimited, and where the adverse implications of there being only four major international firms is becoming much more widely understood. Boards are already becoming aware of further developments emerging from the FRC review of the Turnbull requirements and EC sources.
This conference will help you explore the challenges faced by boardroom and company, present practical solutions and discuss the opportunities these challenges can give rise to such as improving board effectiveness through good corporate governance. The conference brings together experts from the community to discuss and debate the key issues. Through a series of interactive sessions and presentations, these experts will examine the corporate governance environment today and likely trends and future developments. Speakers will address current controversial aspects of corporate governance and the impact of good corporate governance on financial performance.
See press release.