Wednesday, February 09, 2005

IAS Awareness and preparedness survey by ICAEW

The Institute carried out an initial survey among a random sample of its members to assess the level of awareness and preparation for the introduction of International Accounting Standards (IAS) in 2005 last year. A year on, a follow up survey has been carried out to assess whether awareness has improved and preparation has moved on.

The general level of awareness among members surveyed has improved compared with twelve months ago although the awareness of the convergence of UK accounting standards with IAS was not as widespread. The UK’s Accounting Standards Board (ASB) has announced its intention for the convergence to IAS in a Discussion Paper UK Accounting Standards: A strategy for Convergence with IFRS.

The Institute has produced an additional document detailing the results of the IAS survey and the Institute's own case study on adopting the IAS. If you would like to receive a copy of this document, please e-mail with your name, company and full postal address. Alternatively, please ring 020 7920 8634 for a copy. Copies are available free of charge.

See Executive Summary, in pdf format.