Thursday, March 17, 2005

Portal Governance

Governance adds value to technology; examining the needs and arriving at a good model

A Line56 survey estimated that organizations plan to deploy an average of 120 Web applications each year. These applications consist of everything from a simple display from an enterprise database to complex business process applications. The ability to provide a simple, personalized user interface to many of these applications and reduce development costs by sharing web services have been the promise of the enterprise portal. Many are finding however, even portal deployments used to consolidate applications and web sites can contribute to complexity rather than reduce it. To complicate matters further, some organizations have deployed multiple portals for various requirements without clear direction for how they relate to one another. Gartner reports that many enterprises "find themselves dealing with 'a jungle' of multiple portals that compete for the same resources and audiences and, in some cases, prevent each other from achieving success."

See full Article.