Friday, July 22, 2005

ICAEW welcomes DTI publication urging businesses to shape European corporate governance framework

The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW) welcomes today’s (Wednesday 20 July) publication of the DTI booklet Promoting Competitiveness: the UK approach to EU company law and corporate governance. The booklet has been produced in response to the European Commission’s Action Plan on Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the European Union and aims to encourage businesses in the UK to rally round and help shape the future EU agenda.

The ICAEW has been a leading advocate of high quality corporate governance and has participated actively in the European Commission’s Action Plan. The Institute is delighted to be identified by the DTI as a representative organisation for channelling views and welcomes contributions from members and others to the DTI’s implementation of the EC Action Plan.

See full Article.