Monday, August 01, 2005

6 Tips for Delegating Effectively

Do you remember the Little Red Hen? She wanted to bake some bread. She asked some friends to help with the various tasks, such as harvesting the wheat, taking it to the gristmill, gathering the ingredients, and making the dough. All her friends refused. The Little Red Hen replied "Then I will do it myself." On the day when the delicious smell of freshly baked bread wafted out of the Little Red Hen's kitchen, her friends arrived, asking for some. The Little Red Hen flatly refused to share her bread, of course.

Although we can admire the Little Red Hen for her industriousness, we can also wonder why her attempts at delegation and teamwork failed. The Little Red Hen wasn't a leader. She didn't know how to create a team or share her vision.

See full Article.