Monday, August 01, 2005

Resource for Boards of Directors

I am in the process of joining the board of directors of a sizeable private company and have been looking for resources to share with the chairman/majority owner. One of the blogs I read regularly is Feld Thoughts. As it turns out, Brad Feld recently directed us all to an excellent article by Dennis Jaffe and Pascal Levonsohn entitled After the Term Sheet: How Venture Boards Influence the Success or Failure of Technology Companies.

While the article's title is tightly niched, it provides a number of excellent observations and advice that are relevant to all companies, not just those in the technology space.

The authors of the article suggest that board members can add value to companies by providing their social capital, their intellectual capital, and their interpersonal capital -- importantly, being willing to be a mentor/sounding board for the CEO. The article provides a "Top Ten" list of Common Pitfalls of Venture Boards...

See full Article.