Sunday, August 07, 2005

Cautious optimism greets Sarbox third anniversary

Survey of CFOs and financial execs finds Act is more gain than pain

Just three short years, or a mere 1000 days after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was signed into law on July 30, 2002 amid harsh criticism from the business community, more financial executives now say the see the Act as 'a net gain' overall for investors, as opposed to a net loss.

Revealed in a new survey by business software company Approva, 44% against 43% of financial executives said they had seen 'a gradual turnaround' in the business community's perception of the controversial legislation.

According to Approva, an overwhelming majority of senior financial managers (87%) also cited Sarbanes-Oxley as a 'top priority' for their company boards. 'It is extremely important and lets our stakeholders know that we are committed to making sure we are financially sound,' reported an executive at a large utility, one of 200 financial executives who responded to the survey.

See full Article.