Thursday, October 27, 2005

CEO Reputation - The new standards

More attention and pressure is being placed on CEOs than ever before. CEO departures and corporate malfeasance are headline-making news worldwide. With the spotlight on CEOs shining more intensely each quarter, CEOs need to better understand the inextricable link between their reputations and company reputations.

Burson-Marsteller pioneered the study of CEO reputation with its first study in 1997. "Building CEO CapitalTM" is Burson-Marsteller's fourth CEO reputation study, and it confirms that 50% of corporate reputation is linked to the CEO and that high ethical conduct is the number one driver of CEO reputation. This research has been conducted worldwide. Based on our extensive CEO-related research and knowledge, we advise clients on the leadership issues that determine CEO success and failure, including:

See full Press Release and access to Report Summary, in pdf format.