Sunday, October 16, 2005

The common ingredients of leadership

There is an extraordinary array of leaders in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors in the UK. From recent history to the present day, successful leaders, heads of organisations and creative achievers extraordinaire have come in many different shapes and sizes. Despite differences they often share the same fundamental ingredients of leadership.

Firstly, they have and share a vision for the future. We frequently talk about having a ‘vision’ which drives the strategy of an organisation and shapes its future. To be successful you need to balance this with pragmatism. Similarly vital is an understanding of your market and resources, what is possible and what is not, together with an ability to accurately assess a situation and quickly absorb relevant information. This pragmatism also helps translate a vision into strategic objectives. In this translation it is essential to set priorities that are focused, clearly aligned with one another and implemented decisively. The best practitioners at this have a sound analytical ability matched by creativity and inventiveness.

See full Article, in pdf format.