Saturday, October 22, 2005

Five compliance questions to ask your CEO

SOX is still here, but this year you're smarter. If you survived year one, then you know a lot more now. But do your CEO and executive board know enough? If they still need a SOX tutorial, then you are in luck.

The Open Compliance and Ethics Group Technology Council, which has merged with the Compliance Consortium, has published "Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance: An Operational Approach," to help CIOs plan for compliance, and compliance discussions.

Ideally, your CEO will be well-versed on compliance. But it's more likely, according to Ted Frank, president of the compliance software company Axentis, Inc., and director of the technology council, CIOs will have some explaining to do. Here Frank provides five questions that every CIO should ask their CEO.

See full Article.