Sunday, October 16, 2005

From basel to boardroom

Corporate governance looks boring at best and dangerous at worst. But as Simon Sharwood explains, canny CIOs can turn it into the ultimate power trip, winning a seat at the ’big table’ for themselves and the IT agenda.

Your network manager comes to you with some interesting news. The traders in the Melbourne office have for months stayed on the system until 9:00pm every Thursday to play network games, a peccadillo you’ve noted and tolerated.

But now it seems this team is staying signed-in well into the early hours of the next morning. And plenty of the packets they send are going to an IP address in the Cayman Islands, a known tax haven.

In years past your response would surely have been IT-driven. Network access would be revoked, packet-blockers engaged and wrists slapped.

See full Article.