Sunday, October 09, 2005

News Corp shareholders sue over poison pill

Finally, News Corp shareholders are standing up and being counted. Years of hibernation are not easy to shake off so let us hope they will not buckle under the undoubted pressure they will receive from Mr. BIG.

Voting AGAINST the re-election of the Directors on the list is the right thing to do, and this is NOT necessarily about the quality of the individuals but about the enforcement of governance.

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation is being sued by 12 large pension and investment funds for its alleged failure to honour a pledge to allow a shareholder vote on changes to “poison pill” takeover defences.

Separately, shareholder proxy firms are urging investors to rebuke the company by withholding votes on the re-election of Peter Chernin, chief operating officer, and Rod Eddington, audit committee chairman, at this month's company meeting.

See full Article (paid subscription required).