Thursday, October 20, 2005

News won't cave in on pill

It looks like he is going to go down fighting or, more likely, he will get his way.

Hopefully, shareholders will keep up the fight as this and future battles will be needed before Mr. Murdoch finally realises he has a New York Stock Exchange-listed company and NOT his family plaything.

Onésimo Alvarez-Moro

See article:
NEWS Corporation, which on Friday will hold its first US annual shareholders meeting since moving there last year, does not plan to make corporate governance changes to appease investors.

News is expected to face off against investors angered by its extension of a poison pill scheme without their prior agreement.
The investors have launched legal action in the Delaware courts seeking damages.

The Observer of London had reported that News was proposing reforms to quell shareholder anger about Rupert Murdoch's control over the media company. But News spokesman Andrew Butcher disputed this, saying no changes were planned.

One change that shareholders were seeking - the creation of an independent majority on the board - was already in place, he said.

See full Article.