Friday, November 04, 2005

Smart Regulation, Smart Governance

The word "regulation" carries the baggage of associations with frustration and inefficiency for most Canadians. Something worthwhile can't be done because a regulation doesn't allow it: one government regulation isn't consistent with another; a health or safety incident wasn't prevented because a regulation had a loophole or was not enforced.

Good regulation or "smart" regulation is really about good government. Treasury Board President Reg Alcock, in his announcement of the first edition of the Smart Regulation Report on Actions and Plans, painted a big picture of what is meant by this terse label. "Smart regulation is about accountability, as well as enhanced predictability in a system that is both transparent and fair," he said. "It is about co-operation, working closely with multiple levels of government, industry, non-governmental organizations, Aboriginal communities and international stakeholders. Smart regulation is also about transparency, enabling citizens to have access to information about how decisions are made and the progress of regulatory activities."

See full Article.